Workshop on Post-Irradiation Examination within the ECC-SMART Project

In the last week of August, CVŘ hosted a specialized workshop focused on the properties of irradiated materials (Post-Irradiation Examination – PIE). The program was primarily aimed at students and young researchers, with an emphasis on the key role of irradiation experiments in nuclear safety.

The five-day program featured expert presentations from CVŘ, ÚJV, ČVUT, SÚJB, and the Czech Academy of Sciences, as well as from international partners such as STUBA and CNL. The presentations guided participants through topics such as neutron and ion irradiation, the design of specialized irradiation probes, analysis of the microstructure and mechanical properties of irradiated materials, nuclear fuel, and its inspection. Other contributions focused on biological shielding and the practical application of PIE knowledge in extending the lifespan of both existing and new nuclear power plants, witness programs, and materials research for future nuclear reactors.

A key component of the workshop included excursions and practical demonstrations of working with irradiated samples. Participants had the opportunity to visit the LVR-15 research reactor, the VR-1 training reactor, the SUSEN Hot Cells, the Centre for Highly Sensitive Analytical Instruments, and the TANDETRON ion accelerator.

In addition to knowledge sharing, the goal of the event was to guide participants through the entire process of handling irradiated samples with all its potential challenges. Young researchers learned from their more experienced colleagues about the obstacles they may encounter during analysis and the importance of proper interpretation of the results to optimize relevant legislation.

Many thanks to all presenters for sharing their knowledge and experience, and to the participants for their active involvement. We look forward to further collaboration in the field of nuclear safety!

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