Collaborative Meeting with Japanese JCAMP Consortium

Research on the effects of ionizing radiation on concrete contributes to the long-term safety of nuclear facilities. Together with partners from the Japanese JCAMP consortium, we are exploring new ways to enhance the resilience of concrete structures.

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E-learning Materials on Post-Irradiation Examination (PIE)

How can we take nuclear research education to the next level? Together with experts from around the world, we worked at the IAEA headquarters on e-learning materials for Post-Irradiation Examination (PIE), making top-tier knowledge accessible to anyone, anywhere.

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New Issue of the Jaderná Energie Magazine

This time, we focus on nuclear education at the Faculty of Nuclear Sciences and Physical Engineering (FNSPE) at the Czech Technical University in Prague and the University of West Bohemia (UWB). We highlight the legacy of Ing. Štefan Rohár, explore ways to save water in cooling nuclear reactors, and look at preparations for decommissioning research reactors. Additionally, we cover explosive detection, 20 years of the Czech IAEA Safeguards program, the history of nuclear oversight, and the latest updates.

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About the Research Centre Řež

The main mission of the company is research, development and innovation in the field of energy, especially nuclear energy. For this purpose, it has significant research and experimental infrastructure, including the LVR-15 and LR-0 research reactors and technology loops.


Research focus

Our research and development is focused on nuclear energy, reactor physics and technology, chemistry and materials and is used to support and service Czech and foreign organisations.  The RCR is a research organisation according to Act 130/2002 Coll.


We present to you large research infrastructures - LVR-15, LR-0 and JHR-CZ reactors, complemented by systems of supporting laboratories and research facilities.

The basic mission of the journal, Jaderná Energie/Jadrová Energia (Nuclear Energy), is to contribute to sustaining the high standards of nuclear safety when using nuclear energy for non-war purposes. The journal is published in the Czech and Slovak languages; selected scientific and technical articles, abstracts and annotations are also published in English. The journal is released four times per year, with 400 printed copies available, and in an electronic format that is available on this website, free of charge.

Energy Well is a patented small modular reactor developed by the Research Center Řež. The project uses the latest knowledge in the field of salt smelting technologies that come from the Czech Republic, thanks to grants from the Ministry of Industry and Trade.

High Energy Load Czech Assembly is an experimental facility for cyclic high-heat-flux loading of components.

We work together

Involvement in national and international projects, associations and consortia provides the company with important links to knowledge platforms. The cooperation of individual members, both at the organisational and staff level, is a prerequisite for disseminating knowledge and promoting general awareness of current research topics in the energy sector.

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