CVŘ has been consistently active in this organization, which coordinates all energy research in Europe. It collaborates with relevant directorates of the European Commission in preparing the roadmap for energy research in the EU to fulfill strategic priorities such as the Green Deal, the Fit for 55 plan, and currently, the REPowerEU program. The primary goal of REPowerEU is to reduce the EU's dependence on fossil resources from Russia. CVŘ is represented in the Executive Committee of the European Energy Research Alliance (EERA) and Policy Group, and it is particularly active in the Joint Programme on Nuclear Materials (JPNM). Within this framework, proposals for pilot projects on the research and development of nuclear materials were prepared in collaboration with the most significant European research organizations in 2022. The aim of these projects is to provide the groundwork for proposing major joint projects in the current Horizon Europe Euratom call.